Mural unveiled in honour of fallen firefighter duo

20 years ago on the 20th July 2024 changed my life, and that of countless people. My heart goes out to the family, families and colleagues of Billy Faust and Adam Meere who tragically paid the ultimate price any firefighter can.

On that morning I was asked to go and investigate a double fatalities fire in Bethnal Green Road. I did not know at first they were my colleagues.

I was determined to leave NO stone unturned to determine what went wrong and why they could not get out.

I am proud to say, but wish I didn’t have to, that it was my fire investigation that identified the failure mechanisms that failed them both.

I hope the lessons have been learnt and seeing as it’s been 20 years and we haven’t lost any other firefighters in action, I’d like to think they have been.

Billy’s Dad came to my retirement party over 12 years ago, which was the ultimate honour for me!

I delivered my case study presentation to 1,000’s of firefighters in the London Fire Brigade and around the world.

The purpose was obviously to prevent it happening again. If it saved one firefighter’s injury or death, it would have all been worth the extremely hard work, politics, stress and distress. Nothing compared with what their families have suffered.

May they rest in peace knowing that the lessons learned with what went wrong at that incident may have saved many firefighters lives.

Liveryman Dr Peter Mansi

The Worshipful Company of Firefighters

The prime objective and intention of The Worshipful Company of Firefighters is to promote the development and advancement of the science, art and the practice of firefighting, fire prevention and life safety. It also encourages good professional behaviour and an exchange of information between Members of the Company and others who work in allied fields.

The Company has undertaken to maintain the traditions and customs of the City of London and to pledge support to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen in all matters relevant to the life and dignity of the City.


Mural unveiled in honour of fallen firefighter duo

A mural has been unveiled in central London in honour of two firefighters who died while responding to a



Installation of our new Master

On July 5th the Company held its Common Hall in St Vedast-alias-Foster. Prof. David Holt DSc (Med) was installed as the new Master. 



Retirement of Rev. George Bush

On January 15th, the Rev. George Bush, our Company Chaplain for many years, officiated at a service to celebrate his Ministry at St Mary-le-Bow over more than 20 years, prior to his retirement on February 2nd.


The Worshipful Company of Firefighters Charitable Trust

Closely associated with, but operating as a separate entity from the Worshipful Company of Firefighters, the Charitable Trust is a registered charity (number 1182241) with ten Trustees who are responsible for all aspects of its operation and are all members of the Worshipful Company.

The Charitable Trust realises that the world of the Fire Industry and the Fire and Rescue Service, like many sectors, is changing at a considerable pace and we will shortly be looking at the current core charities to see if these reflect the changing environment. We will also consider what else we can do in the youth and young persons sector. This draws on one of “Aims and Objectives” of the Company and the Charitable Trust in providing opportunities to promote responsible and good citizenship for future generations.